Fad diets exist everywhere from magazine advertisements to TV commercials. At first, they may be very tempting to people looking to lose a lot of weight quickly, BUT many people are left disappointed when they either find their banks empty, their waistline increasing, or their health at risk.
What are Fad Diets?
Fad diets:
-Promise fast weight loss
-Tell you to eliminate a specific food group
-Encourage you to consume very little calories each day
-Are not backed by scientific background explaining how it works
-Advertised as being easy, a cure, solve-all, no-fail, miracle, or breakthrough
-Support the use of medications or supplements to lose weight
-Are here today-gone tomorrow
10 Reasons Why Athletes Should Avoid Fad Diets
If optimal athletic performance is your goal, here are 10 reasons to avoid these fads at all costs:
1. Osteoporosis. High-protein diets, such as the Atkins diet, have been shown to increase calcium excretion. Over time, premature osteoporosis can develop and lead to a higher chance of broken bones while training.
2. Kidney failure. Consuming too much protein increases susceptibility to kidney disease. Both the American Heart Association and American Cancer Society recommend a diet including only 10% to 15% of calories derived from protein. The Zone recommends 30%!
3. Ketosis. Ketosis is a dangerous metabolic state in which your body burns fat and protein instead of glucose. This condition can eventually cause organs to fail and lead to side effects such as fatigue, dizziness, irritability, and headaches -- all of which minimize performance.
4. Insomnia. Both fad diets and associated products can interrupt normal sleep patterns. Not enough rest can bring about accidents during a workout due to exhaustion or weakness. Insomnia sufferers may have impaired concentration and decreased ability to accomplish daily tasks, let alone strenuous workouts.
5. Loss of muscle mass. The Hollywood 48 Hour Miracle Diet pledges that "in just 48 hours you will cleanse your body and lose up to 10 pounds." Similar liquid and semi-starvation plans promising "rapid" or "effortless" weight loss lead to insufficient caloric intake. The outcome is loss of water, muscle, and organ tissue with little to no fat loss. So not only will you struggle to build new muscle, but you will actually lose strength and lower your metabolism.
6. Dehydration. High protein intake causes excess urination resulting in dehydration. Dehydration impairs temperature regulation so your body is unable to cool itself efficiently, thus decreasing stamina and increasing recovery time. Severe dehydration jeopardizes mental concentration, muscular strength, physical work capacity, and increases the threat of heat exhaustion.
7. Increased risk of injury. Nutrient and caloric deficiencies can decrease alertness and stamina, enhancing your risk of injury. A less obvious cause of injury is the caffeine, ephedrine, or other stimulants that many diet aids contain. These elements create a false perception of increased energy, causing you to push yourself harder than you should, potentially harming joints or muscles. Since 1994, the FDA has received more than 800 reports of serious adverse effects associated with use of products containing ephedrine, such as Metabolife 356.
8. Nutritional imbalances. Diets like Sugar Busters! suggest avoiding certain foods, including potatoes, rice, and carrots, all of which are packed with nutrition. An imbalanced diet that lacks key nutrients will prevent you from performing at your peak.
9. Reduced endurance. With most quick weight loss plans, glycogen and water are the first materials to be depleted. This deficit can be disastrous to performance and health, as you will lose energy to power muscles, leading to fatigue and lethargy.
10. Compromised immunity. Nutritional deficiencies can make you drastically more vulnerable to both minor and major illnesses. These sick days equate to loss of conditioning, missed trainings and skipped events. Many supplements claiming to be "herbal" or "natural," such as Herbalife, may also interfere with certain medications. Just because something is all-natural does not mean it is safe. After all, cyanide occurs naturally.
Top 10 Most Popular Fad Diets:
1. Atkin's Diet
2. Zone Diet
3. Individualized Diet Solution
4. South Beach Diet
5. Sugar Busters
6. Eat More Weigh Less
7. The Pritikin Weight Loss Breakthrough
8. Cabbage Soup Diet
9. Grape Fruit Diet
10. Beverly Hills Diet
Remember: You work hard to reach your athletic goals. Why invest your hopes and money in empty promises? Instead, stay competitive and make your health one of YOUR top priorities. Know that when you hear about a new miracle diet that sounds too good to be true -- it probably is.
Weekly Challenge: I challenge you to tell a teammate about fad diets and why they don’t work.
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