Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Keep Your Hands Out of the Cookie Jar!

It is that time of year again. The snow is melting, the weather is getting warmer, the days are growing longer, and that means one thing: Girl Scout cookies! There's nothing wrong with a cookie, or two, or even three as long as you set a reasonable limit.
Keep this nutrition information in mind when you are contemplating on eating that extra cookie:

Caramel deLites: 2 cookies, 140 calories, 6 grams saturated fat, 1 carb, 1 fat
Peanut Butter Patties: 2 cookies, 130 calories, 5 grams saturated fat, 1 carb, 2 fats
Samoas: 2 cookies, 110 calories, 1.5 grams saturated fat, 1 carb, 1 fat
Shortbread: 4 cookies, 120 calories, 2 grams saturated fat, 2 carb, 1 fat
Thin Mints: 4 cookies, 160 calories, 6 grams saturated fat, 1 carb, 2 fats

Additional suggestions to help you set reasonable limits include:
  • Store your cookies out of sight. If you bought what amounts to a case instead of a box, store the excess in the back of the freezer, or wrap them in foil so the box is not staring at you every time you open your freezer

  • Set a daily limit, and stick to it

  • Amp up your activity. 160 calories is equal to running 1.5 miles, 20 minutes of aerobics, half hour of dancing, or 25 minutes of bicycling