Cereal is a great breakfast for champions because it contains three food groups in one – whole grains, low-fat milk, and fruit. What’s so great about cereal? It’s convenient, quick, rich in carbohydrates, vitamins, and mineral, and it low in saturated fat and cholesterol.
What to keep in mind when choosing a cereal:

· Choose iron-enriched cereals. An iron-rich diet is important for active people because iron helps your cells carry oxygen from your lungs to your muscles. If you have low iron (anemia), you will feel tired and fatigue easily during exercise. If you prefer all-natural or organic cereals with no additives, like Kashi or Shredded Wheat, there is no added iron. If you want, you can mix all-natural cereals with iron-enriched ones, or you can choose iron-rich foods at other meals or take an iron supplement. Iron in cereal is poorly absorbed in your body, but you can enhance the availability by drinking orange juice or eating fruit high in vitamin C with your cereal.
· Choose high-fiber bran cereals. Cereal with at least 4 grams of fiber per ounce is the best choice. Research suggests that fiber has protective benefits that may reduce your risk of heart disease, as well as curb your appetite and assist with weight loss. High-fiber cereals include Kashi Good Friends and Raisin Bran. You can increase the fiber content of any cereal by sprinkling one of these cereals onto your favorite.
· Choose a cereal with minimal sugar. Your cereal should have less than 8 grams of sugar per serving. Having some sugar in your cereal is not a bad thing. Sugar is a carbohydrate that fuels muscles. If you choose a cereal based on having no sugar, you may be satisfying your sweet tooth by consuming other foods with even higher amounts of sugar like frozen yogurt or candy. The overall healthfulness of breakfast cereal outweighs those few nutritionally empty sugar calories.
Here are the top things to look at, PER SERVING, when choosing a cereal:
On the nutrition label:

- 3 or less grams of fat
- Less than 250 mg of sodium
- 5 or more grams of fiber
- 8 or less grams of sugar
- At least 25% daily value of iron
Iron in the ingredients list (for enrichment)
The best way to get a quick, no time breakfast? Dump some cereal in a bag (mix healthy with your favorite if you need to), drink a quick glass of milk or get a carton of chocolate milk from the weight room and a piece of fruit. Didn't cut into your sleeping time at all!!
Breakfast of TIGER CHAMPIONS!!